G. Segré, A. ;. Silberberg, L. G. Ho, and . Leal, Behaviour of macroscopic rigid spheres in Poiseuille flow: Part 1, Part 2. Experimental results B

P. Vasseur and R. G. Cox, The lateral migration of a spherical particle in two-dimensional shear flows

J. A. Schonberg and E. J. Hinch, Inertial migration of a sphere in Poiseuille flow

E. S. Asmolov, The inertial lift on a spherical particle in a plane Poiseuille flow at large channel Reynolds number

J. P. Matas, J. F. Morris, E. Guazzelli, and ;. Carlo, Lateral force on a rigid sphere in large-inertia laminar pipe flow
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00352685

A. A. Bhagat, S. S. Kuntaegowdanahalli, I. ;. Papautsky, K. J. Edd, H. A. Humphry et al., Enhanced particle filtration in straight microchannels using D. Di Carlo

D. Mikulencak and J. Morris, Stationary shear flow around fixed and free bodies at fini te Reynolds number

F. P. Bretherton, The motion of rigid particles in a shear flow at low Reynolds number

M. Han, C. Kim, M. Kim, and S. Lee, Particle migration in tube flow of suspensions

D. Semwogerere, J. F. Morris, E. Weeks, Z. Shao, B. Yu et al., Inertial migration of spherical particles in circular Poiseuille flow at moderately high Reynolds J. P. Matas, Trains of particles in finite-Reynolds-number pipe flow